Director's Greetings

Assalamualikum and Alhadulillah, praise be to ALLAH SWT in that the Student Accommodation Centre (SAC), Student Affairs Department, UUM has managed to create a website to disseminate information relating to accommodation services and facilities available on UUM campus.

My congratulations also go to the SAC Website Committee members as their hard work has resulted in a website that is both informative and accessible by all interested parties. It is filled with important information regarding the facilities on campus and is constantly updated, which may prove to be very useful indeed.

The SAC is committed to ensure that whatever the students’ accommodation requirements are, they can be assured of our support and attention at all times. Your experience as a student is not only determined by the quality of your programmes and the academicians, but also where you live. It would help you make the most of your student experience here at UUM. Needless to say, your success may not only depend on how hard you work and study but also on your living environment.

Thus, among the key feature of this website is that it is interactive where users are welcome to provide comments, opinions or submit complains via various social medias such as facebook or even emails. Hopefully, with such engagements between the user and the service provider, better product services can be provided that would augur well with the university’s aim of becoming a renowned institution both locally and internationally.

Again, a job well done to all who have contributed and worked hard in realizing the SAC website.

WabillahittaufikWalhidayah, Wasalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahiwabaratuh.




Student Accommodation Centre (SAC)

Student Affairs Department

Universiti Utara Malaysia